Thursday, May 27, 2010


Just when you think it's safe to come out of the bathroom, bend over to pick something up or turn the corner.


Either Zero or Isabella will be face to face with you.

Mr. P and I have been playing on this joke with each other for quite some time. To adequately surprise Mr. P, you have to wait until the toilet flushes and he is washing his hands so he can't hear you running around the apartment trying to find the cat or the dog. Then you hoist them up to his eye level, he opens the door and ahhhh!!..haha! The best way to get me is to call me into the room and hide around the corner.

The cat and dog don't appreciate being part of this amusement. They would rather lay on the couch with us than have one of their humans scream in their faces but it's all in good fun. We know how to entertain ourselves!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Census Stalker

I could not wait to receive my census in the mail this year. The commercials on TV and the letter I received stating that the census would be arriving in my mailbox soon, I thought was so exciting.

About a week after I received the first letter, the census arrived! I opened it and quickly ran through the questions. I thought they were going to want to know a lot more info. During the last census I thought one of the questions was how many toilets do you have in your house? Guess not?

I really dislike how the government dumbs things down for people:
Question 1: How many people live in your house?
Question 2: How many people live in your house that you forgot to include in question one.?

Seriously? Is anyone really that dumb?

So, I called up Mr. P to discuss the dumb questions and he told me he filed his census IN THE GARBAGE! Something I was so excited about, he threw away, didn't even open it. Oh well!

I filled mine out and mailed it the next day.

On a Sunday about three weeks ago, after one of our many open houses we are just sitting down for dinner and the doorbell rings. Could it be someone for our open house that ended 90 minutes ago? I seriously wish it was at this point. No, it's Zinthara (aka the Census Stalker) from the US Census Bureau who claims I never filled out my census. WHAT?!? I told her I did, recheck your records and go away - but nicer.

The Census Stalker has now shown up at my house almost every day for the past three weeks. She even came on Mother's Day! For the first week I told her to go away, I filled out the census. Now I'm done with the census and The Census Stalker! Sometimes when she comes I'm not home but when I am I don't answer the bell. And, one of my neighbors (they better not let me find out who they are) has been buzzing her in so she comes all the way upstairs. As punishment to my neighbors while I continue to do whatever it is that I'm doing I let the dog ferociously bark and growl for 20 minutes until he realizes that she is gone.

Mr. P has not received a follow up letter, phone call, email, notice on his door, stalker visit, NOTHING. All he can say is, "I told you not to fill that thing out!"

Lesson learned, in 2020 you can count us out.