Thursday, May 27, 2010


Just when you think it's safe to come out of the bathroom, bend over to pick something up or turn the corner.


Either Zero or Isabella will be face to face with you.

Mr. P and I have been playing on this joke with each other for quite some time. To adequately surprise Mr. P, you have to wait until the toilet flushes and he is washing his hands so he can't hear you running around the apartment trying to find the cat or the dog. Then you hoist them up to his eye level, he opens the door and ahhhh!!..haha! The best way to get me is to call me into the room and hide around the corner.

The cat and dog don't appreciate being part of this amusement. They would rather lay on the couch with us than have one of their humans scream in their faces but it's all in good fun. We know how to entertain ourselves!

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